Palm springs gay sex parties

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The party officially begins Friday, April 29 and runs through Sunday, May 1 at the Palm Springs Convention Center at the Renaissance Hotel, 277 N Avenida Caballeros, Palm Springs, Calif. The resort has a lot to offer, including 5 pools, 2 hot tubs, and 2. Leading the DJ lineup for the weekend’s marathon of parties are Dan Slater, Ben Bakson, Phil Romano, Rick Braile, Joe Gauthreaux, Isis Muretech, and Dani Brasil.Ī slew of additional performers are on tap for the weekend, ranging from an international posse of buff go-go Dancers to yoga sessions led by licensed Yogi Master Francisco Ramos to an Andrew Christian Fashion Show. The largest gay men’s clothing optional resort in Palm Springs and oh-so-cruisy, Consisting of two properties located on South Warm Sands Drive just a few blocks from downtown Palm Springs, guests of the hotel are able to access and play at both properties. The month of April will draw to a close with the first White Party since 2019 - also sadly, the first since Sanker’s passing last year from liver cancer.Ĭhris Diamond has taken the mantle as Sanker’s successor and is producing this year’s event.įor the relaunch, Diamond has recruited Paula Abdul to headline the Sunday T-Dance, with the Saturday night party headlined by British starlet RAYE - the voice of recent sassy house-tipped pop jams “You Don’t Know Me” by Jax Jones and “Bed” by David Guetta with Joel Corry.ĭiamond has also collaborated with Israel’s Karina Kay on “Eternal,” a new song written in memory of Sanker that Kay will perform at the T-Dance.

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