Trinity gay twitter

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That path is taking Bogan to Trinity College this fall, where he will play football and run track. Other people tell me ‘congrats,’ but this was a ‘thank you.’ It feels so rewarding, that I’m on the right path.” “It made me tear up a little bit hearing that,” Bogan told Outsports. Bogan has already heard from a young teenage athlete who had been scared to come out, but since reading Bogan’s story has already come out to his parents. The reaction to his story in the Courant, which has also been picked up by Yahoo, has been overwhelming and positive.

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Now he’s sharing his story publicly in a powerful story by Mike Anthony of the Hartford Courant. The Connecticut football star came out as gay to his teammates in middle school, and he’s been out to them ever since. Terrence Bogan was, essentially, never in the closet.

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